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Friday, January 13, 2006

Motivation: Your Reason Why

If you are new to Online Marketing, or just can't seem to make any money online, then you need to ask yourself why do you want to work online? Go ahead and ask yourself now: Do you hate your job? Do you want more free time to spend with family and loved ones? or maybe you need to make more money. Once you know why you want to work online, write it down on paper, and post it up where you can see it everyday. The reason for this, is to keep yourself motivated. We all need a little motivation from time to time and your reason why should motivate you enough to keep you involved in Online Marketing, and not give up. For that reason you don't want to forget why you wanted to be an Internet Marketer in the first place. Posting your reason why where you can see it each day, look at it, keep it fresh in your head, and keep your motivation soaring!

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